about ao

With a career spanning more than twenty years, Adriana Oliva’s experience ranges from communications, digital media, event planning, design, project management and consulting. 

In 2003, Oliva started as an intern organizing the Miami Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, where she gained experience and expertise in event orchestrating and communications for community public events. After 5 years, she opened her first business, 311 Productions, in the midst of the 2008 recession. The business didn’t survive, but that same year she started working at the Miami Science Museum as the Events, Sales & Marketing Manager, later growing into digital media and being a part of the New Museum team, now Frost Science. 

After her time at the museum, she joined forces with two other friends to launch Influence Communications, working on events for municipalities and nonprofits, political campaigns, and managing digital media accounts. In 2013, Oliva amicably departed the agency to launch The AO Insight Group. 

The AO Insight Group originally started as an events agency with one social media client. After 5 years, the business model shifted and Oliva retired from event planning moving into providing more communications, social media, and other digital media services to clients. 

This year, The AO Insight Group is celebrating eleven years, and is proud to have worked with the likes of the University of Miami, Miami Dade College, City of Doral, New World Symphony, Catalyst Miami, Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida, The Miami Foundation, and The Children’s Movement of Florida. 

Recently she opened Savage Baby, a new e-commerce business,with her own designs and collaborations in the works. 

Skilled in logistics, strategic planning, and project management, Andriana says her “… strongest suit is continuously thinking not ‘outside-the-box,’ but as if there were no box.” 

Adriana loves her community, and shows her appreciation by volunteering and giving back. In 2021, she took a leap and ran for elected office. While she didn’t win, it was a remarkable moment filled with invaluable experiences and the opportunity to connect and offer resource access to residents. 

She is a Founding Member of the 10 Days of Connection Ambassadors, Chair of the Board of Directors for The Motivational Edge, Girl Scout of Tropical South Florida Trefoil Society Member, and an Executive Committee Member of United Way Miami’s Small Biz United. 

Past affiliations include, PACE Girls Miami’ Women’s Empowerment Committee, Leadership Miami Class 32 graduate & Program Chair Class 42, Board of Directors Member for the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Board Member for Miami-Dade County Neat Streets, Board Member and Vice Chair of the City of Miami Community Relations Board, and Founding Member of Save Our Sisters Breast Cancer Survivor Dragon Boat Team.

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